Publications scientifiques

Evolution of maternal and neonatal outcomes before and after the adoption of the IADPSG/WHO guidelines in Belgium: A descriptive study of 444,228 pregnancies
Philippe Oriot, Charlotte Leroy, Virginie Van Leeuw, Jean Christophe Philips, Jean François Vanderijst, Aline Vuckovic, Elena Costa, Christian Debauche, Frederic Chantraine

Analyse de clusters : nouvelle approche pour identifier les profils de mères avec des caractéristiques similaires
C. Leroy, V. Van Leeuw, A. Chihi, Y. Englert, W.H. Zhang
Rev. Méd. Périnat.
DOI 10.1007/s12611-017-0419-7

Anaphylaxis in pregnancy: a population-based multinational European study
S. J. McCall, M.-P. Bonnet, O. Äyräs, G. Vandenberghe, M. Gissler, W.-H. Zhang, V. Van Leeuw, C. Deneux-Tharaux, J. J. Kurinczuk, and M. Knight, on behalf of the INOSS collaboration
Anaesthesia. 2020;10.1111/anae.15069.

Frequency and management of maternal infection in health facilities in 52 countries (GLOSS): a 1-week inception cohort study
The WHO Global Maternal Sepsis Study (GLOSS) Research Group
The WHO Global Maternal Sepsis Study (GLOSS) Research Group
Lancet Glob Health 2020; 8: e661–71

Effet de l’environnement de vie sur les associations entre déterminants individuels et santé périnatale en Wallonie (Belgique)
C. Leroy, D. Dubourg, A. Billiet, C. Senterre, V. Van Leeuw, W.H. Zhang, Y. Englert
Revue Quetelet.

The Belgian Obstetric Surveillance System to monitor severe maternal morbidity.
Vandenberghe G, Roelens K, Van Leeuw V, Englert Y, Hanssens M, Verstraelen H.
Facts Views Vis Obgyn. 2018;9(4):181-188.

Effect of maternal origin on the association between maternal height and risk of preterm birth in Belgium: a retrospective observational cohort study.
Van Leeuw V, Leroy C, Englert Y et al.
BMJ Open
This article was published in BMJ Open following peer review and can also be viewed on the journal's

Construction de l’indicateur "petit poids pour âge gestationnel" dans deux régions belges.
C. Leroy, V. Van Leeuw, W.H. Zhang, et al.
Rev. Méd. Périnat.
DOI 10.1007/s12611-017-0419-7
© Lavoisier SAS 2017

A nationwide population-based cohort study of peripartum hysterectomy and arterial embolisation in Belgium: results from the Belgian Obstetric Surveillance System.
Vandenberghe G, Guisser M, Janssens I, et al.
BMJ Open.
This article was published in BMJ Open following peer review and can also be viewed on the journal's

Nationwide population-based cohort study of uterine rupture in Belgium: results from the Belgian Obstetric Surveillance System.
Vandenberghe G, De Blaere M , Van Leeuw V, et al.
BMJ Open.
This article was published in BMJ Open following peer review and can also be viewed on the journal's website

Neonatal outcomes in obese mothers: a population-based analysis.
Minsart et al.
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2013 13:36.

Missing information in birth certificates in Brussels after reinforcement of data collection, and variation according to immigration status. A population-based study
Minsart et al.
Archives of Public Health 2012 70:25.

Classication of cesarean sections among immigrants in Belgium
Minsart A-F, De Spiegelaere M, Englert Y, Buekens P.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2013; 92 :204-209.

Naturalization of immigrants and perinatal mortality
Minsart A-F, Englert Y, Buekens P.
Eur J Public Health. 2013 Apr; 23(2): 269–274.